Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

Health Profile of Street Children in India

Dr. B. Kalidoss

Abstract :

India with its fast paced urbanization faces the challenge of increasing number of people living on the streets and children are part of this section.There are social and institutional factors that serve to sustain their presence. They are a result of increasing poverty, increased migration of families, oken families, neglect, abuse, riots and violence, natural disasters, decreasing resources in rural areas, and the attraction of cities. Children are the future of a country and health is an important part of their physical, mental and social well–being. Street children lack access to basic health services so their healthy growth and development is at stake. This paper is aimed at shå information in the context of health problems of street children and emphasizes in providing a comprehensive health care to street children and eradicating the root cause of it.

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Dr. B. KALIDOSS Health Profile of Street Children in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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