Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Habitat Niche and Status of the Birds of Navegaon National Park, Maharashtra

Kalpana Chinhckhede, G. T. Kedar

Abstract :

The class Aves stands apart from the rest of the verteates owing to their unique characteristic features and ability to fly. The present study of avifaunal ecology aims at understanding and documenting the status and ecological niche, particularly the spatial niche, occupied by the birds of Navegaon National Park, situated 140 km east from Nagpur city, Central India. The representative area was surveyed on a monthly basis for a period of two years from 2010 to 2012. Out of total 126 species observed, 84 species preferred the forest habitat and 42 species were found in and around the lake. The total count included 5 species of local migrants, 2 species of summer migrants, 15 species of winter migrants and the rest 104 species were found to be resident. The status and ecological niches occupied by the avifauna was documented and the study area was found to have good density and diversity of birds. This shows that the area offers a variety of habitat niches to the avifauna. But recent increase in the human interference led to a disturbing development in the study area, the impacts of which were also recorded.

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Kalpana Chinhckhede, G.T.Kedar Habitat Niche and Status of the Birds of Navegaon National Park, Maharashtra International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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