Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015


U. Kishore Kumar, Dr. K. P. Vani, Dr. A. Srinivas, Dr. P. Surendrababu

Abstract :

A field experiment on “Growth, yield and nutrient uptake of safflower as influenced by INM under irrigation and rainfed planting” was conducted during rabi, 2013 at College Farm, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with two main treatments viz., M1: irrigation at rosette, anching and flowering, M2 : rainfed planting; and seven sub treatments viz., S1 : Control (no fertilizers), S2: RDF, S3: soil test based fertilizers, S4: RDF + FYM @ 5 tons/ha, S5 : soil test based fertilizers + FYM @ 5 tons/ha, S6: RDF + vermicompost @ 2 tons/ha and S7: Soil test based fertilizers + vermicompost @ 2 tons/ha and replicated thrice. With respect to irrigations at critical stages gives higher plant height, dry matter production per plant, seed yield, stalk yield and nutrient uptake were recorded with irrigation treatment and it was significantly higher than rainfed planting. With respect to organics and soil test based inorganic fertilizers gives higher plant height, dry matter production per plant, seed yield, stalk yield and nutrient uptake were recorded with S7 (soil test based fertilizers + vermicompost @ 2 tons/ha) and it was significantly superior to S6 (RDF + vermicompost @ 2 tons ha–1) followed by S5 (soil test based fertilizers + FYM @ 5 tons/ha), S4 (RDF + FYM @ 5 tons/ha), S3 (soil test based fertilizers) and S2 (RDF). Interaction effect of plant height, dry matter production, seed and stalk yield and nutrient uptake of safflower crop as influenced by main and sub treatments were found to be non–significant.

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U. Kishore Kumar, Dr. K. P. Vani, Dr. A. Srinivas, Dr. P. SurendraBabu Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Safflower as Influenced by Inm Under Irrigation and Rainfed Planting International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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