Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Growth Management of Azolla in Aquaculture Medium

Dr. Binodini Mishra

Abstract :

The rice–Azolla–fish system enriches environment for rice, fish and Azolla. Climbing perches (Anabas testudineus) were subjected to four types of feeding schedule (T1–fish feed alone, T2–fish feed + Azolla, T3– Fresh Azolla alone and T4– Dry Azolla alone). These aquaculture media were utilized to estimate the growth rate of Azolla pinnata separately. Growth of A. pinnata was at par in T1 (medium with fish feed) and T2 (medium with fish feed and Azolla) and all other media are found statistically insignificant. It appears that the growth of Azolla in aquaculture medium being fertile with fish faeces

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Dr. Binodini Mishra Growth Management of Azollain Aquaculture Medium International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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