Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

Greater/Lesser Arterial Blood Supply Causing Hyperoxia/Hypoxia Producing Hyperplasia/Hypoplasia of Developing Organ Discovery of New Teratogen with Creation of Hyperoxia Hypothesis

Dr. Keshaw Kumar

Abstract :

 Abdomen of 216 cadavers was dissected in order to study the teratogenic effect of greater and lesser blood supply on development of stomach and liver with gall bladder respectively. Only in one cadaver stomach and left gastric as well as right gastroepiploic arteries were larger in size while liver with gall bladder and cystic as well as hepatic arteries were smaller in size. Gastric hyperplasia and cystohepatic hypoplasia were teratogenic effects of greater blood supply to stomach and lesser arterial blood supply to liver with gall bladder due to hyperoxia and hypoxia respectively because during ontogeny arteries develop prior to organogenesis. Greater or lesser arterial blood supply is a new teratogen discovered by Dr. Keshaw Kumar with creation of hyperoxia hypothesis.

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Dr. Keshaw Kumar Greater/Lesser Arterial Blood Supply Causing Hyperoxia/Hypoxia Producing Hyperplasia/Hypoplasia of Developing Organ Discovery of New Teratogen with Creation of Hyperoxia Hypothesis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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