Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Great Pumpkins and Blue Fleshed Potatoes – Biologically Active Raw Material for Food Products

Danilcenko Honorata, Jarien Elvyra, Vaitkevicien Nijol , Juknevicien Edita, Gajewski Marek

Abstract :

Modern consumers are more concerned about the safety and quality of food they consume. In this way changes are inevitable in the cultivation of raw materials, their processing and marketing. The main aim of this study was to investigate and to compare the quality of the great pumpkin’s \\\'Justynka F1\\\', \\\'Karowita\\\' fruit flesh and the blue fleshed potatoe’s \\\'Blue Congo\\\', \\\'Vitelotte\\\' tubers. Standard methods were applied to identify the following: dry matter, crude protein, crude fie and crude ash. It was performed a comparative analysis of the results. Research results showed that the highest quantity of the dry matter have been found in potato cv. \\\'Vitelotte\\\' (23.7 %). The flesh of cv. \\\'Karowita\\\' is valuable due high crude protein (11.90 % d. m.) and crude fie (6.38 % d. m.) content. The fruit flesh of cv. \\\'Justynka F1\\\' is rich in crude ash - 8.89 % d. m.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Danilcenko Honorata, Jarienė Elvyra, Vaitkevicienė Nijolė, Juknevicienė Edita, Gajewski Marek Great Pumpkins and Blue Fleshed Potatoes – Biologically Active Raw Material for Food Products International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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