Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Grading of complications following bowel anastomosis using Clavien-Dindo system: Our experience

Dr Rahul Pandey, Dr Raj Ratan, Dr Ashok Kumar Puranik, Dr C S Naidu, Dr Ashwin Galagali, Dr Sandeep Mehrotra

Abstract :


The Clavien–Dindo classification (CDS) of surgical complications has been validated for other surgeries but not for bowel anastomosis. Our study evaluatesCDS in bowel anastomosis.


Data of 318 anastomosis were collected over 2 years. Complications were graded according to the CDS. Factors associated with complications were analysed.


22.2% had grade IIIb, 19.4% had grade I, 19.4% had grade II, 11.1% had grade Iva, 8.3% had grade IIIa and 19.4% had grade V complication. We had no problem in assigning grades to all complications and had uniform management directive in treating them. Orientation of anastomosis, technique and setting of operation were not significant whereas anemia, diabetes and hypertension,hypovolemia, sepsis and hypoalbuminemia were significant factors for occurrence of complications.


We recommend that CDS be used across all centres for uniform reporting of complications following bowel anastomosis.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Rahul Pandey, Dr Raj Ratan, Dr Ashok Kumar Puranik, Dr C S Naidu, Dr Ashwin Galagali, Dr Sandeep Mehrotra, Grading of complications following bowel anastomosis using Clavien–Dindo system: Our experience, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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