Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Lillian A. Phenice, Robert J. Griffore, Meng Amp Ndash Chuan Hsieh

Abstract :

Globalization has given rise to hyidization processes within families as emerging families of today are being challenged by the complexity of blending different transnational cultural beliefs and practices. The concept of hyidization within the biological sciences describes the process and blending of two unique entities. Hyidization also pertains to the unique combination of reå children by blending of different socio–cultural practices and traditions. We propose that (1) Children in families with parents of dissimilar cultural families of origins represent the first generation (F1) of hyidization, (2) Children reared in these families will manifest cognitive flexibility in psycho–social and cultural dimensions. This is a study of 5 transnational couples whose affiliation to a nation/ state differed from the other partner. Separately asked, open ended interview questions about family relationships revealed five primary and eight secondary themes. Depending on their cultural backgrounds, decision making and conflict resolutions required negotiation, compromise, and discourse in raising children. There is evidence that children reared in transnational families are exposed to multiple cultures and will most likely reflect their hyid identification. This study provided a picture of the hyidization process in families.

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Lillian A. Phenice, Robert J. Griffore, Meng Amp Ndash Chuan Hsieh Globalization and Transformation Processes: Evolving Hybrid Families International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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