Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Arup Dey

Abstract :

 The Santhal society , is one of the most primitive caste among the oldest tribal of India, and it is also the largest tribal of India (Social Geography ,Ahmad Aijazuddin). The Santhals, who number more than 5 millions, consider themselves as a< > people speaking a different language (austro–asiatic) and shå a way of live which implies values different from those of the Hindus (Tambas Lyche.M.C.2007).In case of social structure it shows that the most of the Santhal live in Paschim Medinipore, the district of WB. The people of the Santhal society mainly depends on subsistence farming They leads a very simple and distinct life . They belief in superstition, and these are the main cause of their backwardness. The paper scan the influence of globalisation in socio–culture aspect of the Santhal migrants and how they have carried forward various modern values in their tribal society. It also developed in to how the new agricultural technology have been utilized after going back at the place of origin and how it promotes the modern their values in their daily life . It helps them to overcome from the conservative and also the society has been modified and improved their life–style. There have a lot of changed in their thinking of social, economic and political. As a result the Santhal have overcome their inertia and announce themselves as the important part of this beautiful world.

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ARUP DEY Globalization and Change in Santhal Tribes at Paschimmedinipur (West Bengal.india) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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