Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact on Biodiversity

Sangita P. Ingole, Aruna U. Kakde

Abstract :

Global warming and climate change will trigger major changes in diversity and abundance of arthropods, geographical distribution of insect pests population dynamics’ insect biotype, herbivore plant interactions, activity and abundance of natural enemies species extinction, and efficiency of crop protection technologies. Changes in geographical range and insect abundance will increase the extent of crop losses, and thus, will have a major beå on crop production and food security. Distribution of insect will also be influenced by changes in the cropping patterns triggered by climate change. Major insect pests such as cereal stem borers, the pod borers and white flies may move to temperate regions, lading to greater damage in cereal, grain legumes, vegetables and fruit crops. Global Warming will also reduce the effectiveness of host plant resistance, transgenic plants, natural enemies, bio pesticides, and synthetic chemical for pest management. Therefore, there is a need to generate information on the likely effects of climate change on insect pests to develop technologies that will be effect you in future under Global warming and climate change.

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Sangita P. Ingole, Aruna U. Kakde Global Warming and Climate Change: Impact on Biodiversity International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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