Volume : III, Issue : XI, November - 2014

Gita for Contemporary Management: Holy Text with Secular Advice

Tania Mahapatra

Abstract :

In any organization diverse people work towards achieving a goal through planning and utilizing present means within the constraints of ethics and morals. Competition may drive a person to reach far but social mores may hold back. Also, distinguishing greed from duty can help one to balance spirituality with secularity. The philosophy of ancient text, Gita has been time and again described as a guide for personal and professional management. Between the battlefield and today’s pragmatic world, one can discern the common thread among problems of Arjuna and the modern manager. Just as Arjuna felt distressed in the face of complex situation, a manager constantly deals with deadlines, resources, results, subordinates, work–life & competition. In this storm of life, the centuries’ old doctrine, applicable to people of all outlooks comes to help.

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Tania Mahapatra Gita for Contemporary Management: Holy Text with Secular Advice International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 11 November 2014

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