Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015

GIS–Based Land use Suitability Analysis for Urban Development

Pk Ryngnga

Abstract :

Land–use suitability analysis aims at identifying the most appropriate spatial pattern for future land uses according to specify requirements, preferences, or predictors of some activity. The GIS–based land–use suitability analysis has been applied in a wide variety of situations including ecological approaches for defining land suitability/habitant for animal and plant species, geological favourability, suitability of land for agricultural activities, landscape evaluation and planning, environmental impact assessment, selecting the best site for the public and private sector facilities and regional planning. This present paper focuses on land–use suitability analysis as applied particularly to urban and regional development by outlining the different approaches to GIS based land use suitability analysis.

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PK Ryngnga GIS- Based Land use Suitability Analysis for Urban Development International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 3 March 2015

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