Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Geospatial Approach to Assess of Inequality in School Accessibility of Arnod Tehsil of Pratapgarh District

Dr. Premlata Swarnkar

Abstract :

Education constitutes the basis for enhancing the quality of a county’s population. Schools on a widespread level are established during post independence period as one of the basic objective of welfare state. However, in terms of accessibility to these centres suggests significant variations. So many students need to cover a distance of more than 2 km. In this regard an attempt has been made in present paper to asses’ disparity in Spatial Accessibility of school in Arnod Block of Pratapgarh District Using GIS.

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Dr. Premlata Swarnkar Geospatial Approach to Assess of Inequality in School Accessibility of Arnod Tehsil of Pratapgarh District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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