Volume : V, Issue : X, October - 2016

Gender Comparison of Emotional Intelligence among Software Engineers

M. Latha, Dr. T. Santhanam

Abstract :

 In this quickly developing world, people are experiencing mental anxiety in day today life. This study manages the mental prosperity, which clarifies that adjusting of feelings prompts a smoother lifestyle. In the perspective of the effective capacity of any business association lies with ‘Human Resource‘. Therefore, Emotional Intelligence must assess the full extent of the uniqueness powers and the capacity to appreciate the utilization of force. The present study manages the passionate Intelligence programming Engineers, of which the example includes 50 male and 50 male and female programming Engineers. The information gathering was finished by irregular testing. The apparatuses utilized for the gathering of information was Emotional Intelligence scale (2002) created by Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe, and Upinder Dhar. The outcome demonstrates that there is noteworthy distinction amongst male and female Software Engineers in Self Awareness, Emotional strength, Managing Relations and it additionally demonstrates that there is no critical contrast in Empathy, Self inspiration, Integrity, Self improvement, Value introduction, Commitment and Altruistic conduct.

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M.Latha, Dr.T.Santhanam Gender Comparison of Emotional Intelligence among Software Engineers International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 10 | October 2016

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