Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. Prameshwar Lal, Dr. S. S. Rathore, Dr. Mahatab Singh Rajawat

Abstract :

 Aim of the study was to know the recurrence rate and complications in different treatment modalities for ganglion cyst. The study was a prospective study conducted on the patients in Department of Surgery, Mathura Das Mathur Hospital, attached to Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur. Four treatment methods, aspiration, aspiration with triamcinolone injection, aspiration with chromic catgut insertion and surgical excision were included. Recurrence was the most common complication. Recurrence rate was highest in aspiration and least in excision. However further work up is required with a large number of cases and long duration of follow up.

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Dr. Prameshwar Lal, Dr. S.S. Rathore, Dr. Mahatab Singh Rajawat GANGLION CYST – BEST TREATMENT OPTION ? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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