Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Gandhian Satyagraha, Decentralization and Decision Making Consensus

Dr. L. P. Raju, Dr. Gunde Gowda

Abstract :

Gandhiji is a practical mystic whose philosophy of life and whose political programme are, at once an inspiration to thousands and a puzzle to millions. “While his philosophy of soul-life can be understood in theory by any intelligent individual, and its Principles practiced by the ardent and resolute, aspirant, his political programme will remain a riddle until he is perceived as a figure evolving very naturally out of the long, long past of India and in a real sense embodying the forces which are moldings its present history.” The central quality which is ever the principle of conduct of every true Satyagrahi is courage. At every turn, we need the courage of the soul that proceeds from our identification with the spirit within, which is one with the spirit of the Universe. In order to underline the principle of the decentralization of public power and economy Gandhiji gave the slogan of “Back to the Village’s under Plato’s inspiration, he maintained that every village should eventually become “a self-sufficient republic” Gandhiji wanted it to be a complete republic independent of its neighbors for its own vital wants, and yet inter dependent for many others in which dependence is a necessity Gandhiji always says “Independence must begin at the bottom. In this backdrop the paper will discuss about the Gandhian Sathyagraha and philosophy of decentralization in India. Whereas India is a land of administration from its grass roots since from independence. Further the paper will analyses the Decentralization in India, its views as well as decision making process within the framework of Gandhian philosophy, Public policy etc., Finally the paper will conclude Gandhian philosophy and Decentralization relevance in India and in administration keeping in view the present administration pattern in regard to Decentralization.

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Dr.L.P. Raju, Dr. Gunde Gowda Gandhian Satyagraha, Decentralization and Decision Making Consensus International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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