Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

FTIR studies and antimicrobial potential of Cordyceps militaris (a highly medicinal fungus) against Hospital Pathogens

Madhavi Joshi, Pooja Pathania, Anand Sagar

Abstract :

 Being Cordyceps militaris (L.)Link recognized as a medicinal mushroom, this work intend to reveal new interesting bioactive molecules that could be isolated from the species, to date there is no defined study on C.militaris from  NW Himalayan region. Fourier Transformed InfraRed (FT–IR) spectroscopy revealed the presence of major chemical constituents in the  fungus, which was evident from the various peaks in absorption spectra. Hence, the various extracts (ethanol, chloroform, methanol, acetone  and aqueous) prepared from the fruiting bodies which contained these active constituents were tested by agar well diffusion method to access  their antibacterial potential. Major absorption peaks were of primary amines, alkenes, alcohol and phenols. E.coli was inhibited maximum  by ethanolic extracts and showed inhibition zone of 30.58±0.02mm whereas acetone extracts showed maximum inhibition against S.aureus  with 36.94±0.05mm inhibition zone at 100% concentration of the extract.The bioactive contents of the mushroom are promising natural  antimicrobial agents that can be harnessed as antimicrobial toxicants. In future the C.militaris could provide an alternative method for  antibacterial therapy which is a major concern for today mainly in the developing countries like India.

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Madhavi Joshi, Pooja Pathania, Anand Sagar FTIR studies and antimicrobial potential of Cordyceps militaris (a highly medicinal fungus) against Hospital Pathogens International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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