Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

From Fissured Consciousness to Awakening Consciousness: A Reading of Jeannette Armstrong’s Whispering in Shadows

Dr. A. Evangeline Jemi

Abstract :

The history of mankind from the creation has witnessed that one section is always in the lowest rungs of the society, subjected to exploitation and hardship. The unfortunate aborigines in Canada come under this category. In spite of all the callous measures taken to deny these people space, the benevolent nature does not allow abolition of a race or a culture and a rudiment, has always subsisted to revive, to regenerate, and to take efforts to attain the parental ethnic disposition. The marginalized people, from a state of marginality are moving towards centrality. Jeannette Armstrong, a native Canadian writer through her novels has ought out the key issues in the political, cultural and linguistic struggles of Native Canadians. This paper reveals a process that leads to the formation of a wholesome community where they rediscover their own selves.

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Dr. A. Evangeline Jemi From Fissured Consciousness to Awakening Consciousness: A Reading of Jeannette Armstrong’s Whispering in Shadows International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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