Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Friending in Mobile Social Networks: Current Trends and Research Challenges

Ms. Ruchika D. Ganvir, Prof. Vishwanath S. Mahalle

Abstract :

 The rise of mobile social networks is inextricably linked with the revolution in mobile computing, which has spawned a huge industry in mobile application development. Localization techniques such as GPS, has made it possible to share the location information on mobile social networks. Positioning technologies such as Wireless localization techniques, and Global Positioning System gives rise to location–aware social networks. But the location data posted to social networks are revealing sources, too. Hence Friending has become the challenging part of Mobile social networks. This paper discusses the recent trends of friending in mobile social networks and iefly peeks into the research challenges.

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Ms. Ruchika D. Ganvir, Prof. Vishwanath S. Mahalle Friending in Mobile Social Networks: Current Trends and Research Challenges International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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