Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2015

Frequent Sequential Pattern mining with Weighted Regular Expression and Length Constraint

Dipak R. Kawade, Dr. Kavita S. Oza

Abstract :

 In this internet world, huge amount of data is collected in digital form. These data contains useful hidden knowledge. To discover hidden knowledge from huge data is time consuming, tedious and challenging task. Data mining’s  frequent pattern mining technique is useful for such purpose. Lots of algorithms were already tackling this issue but main problem related  to frequent pattern mining is efficiency and effectiveness of algorithm. To solve this problem many researchers were used constraint based  pattern mining technique. For efficiency and effective execution of algorithm present study uses regular expression constraint which is inexpensive in time and memory. Many of the researcher’s uses support count technique. Main problem related with support count technique is  to find ideal support value. To solve this issue present work uses weight constraint. Length of pattern is also important criteria. Present work  also uses length constraint. Present work uses three constraints namely regular expressing which focus user interest, weight which concentrate  on importance of item and length which restrict length of pattern.

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Dipak R. Kawade, Dr. Kavita S. Oza Frequent Sequential Pattern mining with Weighted Regular Expression and Length Constraint International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 5 May 2015

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