Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Frequency of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase producing Gram negative bacteria isolated from blood cultures at children hospital in Baghdad

Nadheema Hammood Hussein, Khetam Habeeb Rasool, Jumaah Dakel Hussein

Abstract :

Aims: The prevalence of extended spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBLs) producing strains and their resistance to beta lactam antibiotics has had a daily increase. Because of the importance of these enzymes in Gram negative bacteria. This study was carried out to investigate it’s frequency in Gram negative bacteria isolated from blood cultures at a children hospital in Baghdad. Subjects and Methods: Blood samples (1-2) ml were collected from children suspected with septicemia prior to initiation of antimicrobial therapy, cultured, and the bacterial isolates were identified at species level .The antibiotic susceptibility test was done by using Vitek-2 system . Detection of ESBL producing strains was done by Vitek-2 system and screening test .Results: Frequency of gram negative bacteria during one year of study (1 January 2013 to 1 January 2014) were 169 (13.56%) out of 1246 blood specimens and its frequency was higher in male than female patients, 107(63.3%) vs. 62 (36. most effective antibiotic on these isolates was Imipenem followed by Amikacin. From 169 Gram negative bacteria 113(66.86%) and 103(60.94%) isolates were positive ESBL producing bacteria by Vitek-2 system and screening test, respectively and the commonest ESBL producing gram negative isolates were K. pneumonia (82.05%) followed by E. coli (75%) and Acinetobacter spp. (72.72%).

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Nadheema Hammood Hussein, Khetam Habeeb Rasool,Jumaah Dakel Hussein Frequency of Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase producing Gram negative bacteria isolated from blood cultures at children hospital in Baghdad International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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