Volume : IV, Issue : I, January - 2015

Frequency of 32 bp deletion in Chemokine Co–receptor CCR5 of Hypertension patients

Prasad. M. P

Abstract :

Chemokines are important regulators in the development, differentiation, and anatomic location of leukocytes and they help in determination of the cells that cross the endothelium and move within the tissue. Chemokines activate leukocytes by binding to selective, seven transmemane domain, G protein-coupled receptors present on the plasma memane. The CCR5 protein functions as a chemokine receptor in the CC chemokine group. The natural chemokine ligands that bind to this receptor are RANTES, MIP-1α and MIP-1β. CCR5 is predominantly expressed on T cells, macrophages, dendritic cells and microglia. The CCR5 has multiple variants in its coding region, the deletion of a 32-bp segment results in a nonfunctional receptor, thus preventing HIV R5 entry. In the present study the association between chemokine receptor gene polymorphisms and hypertension was determined. The mutation of CCR5 gene was detected in hypertension patient blood samples collected from various hospitals in and around Bangalore. The study was carried out using DNA isolated from the blood samples with primers related to CCR 5 gene. The PCR product length was found to be 990.53 base pairs. It was found that twelve samples out of twenty showed polymorphism and rest of the samples did not indicate any polymorphism. This suggests that CCR5 mutation is associated with hypertension.

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Prasad.M.P Frequency of 32 bp deletion in Chemokine Co-receptor CCR5 of Hypertension patients International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 1 January 2015

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