Volume : V, Issue : I, January - 2016

Frequency and Relevance of Thyroid Dysfunction In Patients With Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Dr. Khyalappa R. J. , Dr. Jindal V.

Abstract :

In ancient times, throughout the world, humans used plants as food and medicine. In Europe, chemistry developed rapidly after the influence of Paracelsus. Active principles were isolated from plants, and drugs were prepared in the salt form to be used as medication. In China, several drugs isolated from plants have been prepared in the salt form in recent years, but herbal medication, developed in the ancient tradition, continued to be widely used in Chinese populations. Chinese biomedical scientists are now developing a new approach to medicine by combining traditional Chinese medicine and western biomedical science. Despite encouraging preliminary clinical reports about clinical improvement with the use of traditional Chinese medicines, Gu–Sui–Bu, basic science and clinical mechanism responsible for this effect has not yet been identified

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Frequency and Relevance Drynaria Fortunei: Another Leap in Herbal Approach to Periodontics International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 1 January 2016

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