Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Framework For a Secure and Privacy Preserving Opportunistic Computing (Spoc) in Mobile–Healthcare Emergency

Shivani Arora, Waje Archana. Tryambak, Pawar Bhagyashri. Sanjay, Amrin Siddiqui, Poonam Sonawane

Abstract :

With the advancement of smart phones and wireless Body Sensor Networks (BSNs),mobile Healthcare (mHealthcare) System, which provides the facility of Healthcare to the patients being present anywhere and anytime has resulted in better health monitoring, and has therefore attracted considerable interest recently. However, the flourish of m-Healthcare still faces many challenges including information security and privacy preservation. Through this system we propose a secure and privacy-preserving opportunistic computing framework called SPOC, for m-Healthcare emergency. With SPOC, smart phone resources including computing power and energy can be opportunistically gathered to process the computing-intensive personal health information (PHI) during m-Healthcare emergency with minimal privacy disclosure. Detailed security analysis shows that the proposed SPOC framework can efficiently achieve user-centric privacy access control in m-Healthcare emergency. Specifically, in a m-Healthcare system, medical users are no longer needed to be monitored within home or hospital environments. Instead, after being equipped with smart phone and wireless body sensor network (BSN) formed by body sensor nodes, medical users can walk outside and receive the high-quality healthcare monitoring from medical professionals anytime and anywhere and as well quickly react to user’s life-threatening situations and save their lives by dispatching ambulance and medical personnel to an emergency location in a timely fashion. We can’t implement the Body Sensor, so we are implementing the Desktop application

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Shivani Arora, Waje Archana.Tryambak, Pawar Bhagyashri. Sanjay, Amrin Siddiqui, Poonam Sonawane Framework For a Secure and Privacy Preserving Opportunistic Computing (Spoc) in Mobile-Healthcare Emergency International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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