Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018

Fracture Tibia Fixation Without C–Arm

Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Dr. Kanav Mahajan

Abstract :

  Tibia fracture constitutes one of major orthopaedic burden. Among all Tibia fractures closed tibia fractures constitutes more than >50% cases. The study is done to assess the result of treatment of tibia fractures without c–arm radiation exposure. The idea is to overcome the dependency over C–arm. Methods–: The study involves 136 patients with 150 tibia fractures with age group from 18yrs to 60yrs treated between May 2015 to May 2017. The study includes only extra–articular fractures. Th study is based on intraoperative reference markers of reduction being Tibia shin, plumb line from tibial tuberosity to 2nd metatarsal and relative position of foot in respect to leg. The postoperative analysis was done in all patients radiologically and functionally. Results–: About 150 cases are being studied with closed interlocking nailing done in 120 cases and biological plating done in 30 cases. Postoperative acceptability in our study include <5degree valgus/varus/rotational deformity. Among 120 cases with nailing done,114 patients are managed well with 6 cases shown failure of technique with not able to perform locking of nail without use of C–arm due to excessive hammering of nail and subsequent rotation of nail. Among all 114 cases the postoperative results are within the acceptability criteria planned. Among 30 cases with proximal and distal extra–articular fractures biological plating was performed well with no failure seen in any respect and all following the acceptibilty criteria planned as per study. Conclusion–: The study shows that with the use of reference markers like tibia shin , plumb line from tibial tuberosity to 2nd metatarsal , and relative position of foot in respect to leg. Reduction can be achieved in majority of cases within acceptable range. The technique has much role in centres with nonavailabilty of C–arm in emergency operation theatres. 

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Dr.Sanjeev Gupta, Dr.Kanav Mahajan, Fracture Tibia Fixation Without C–Arm, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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