Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Formative Evaluation: Action Plan for Primary Education

Dr. Rathod Sunita Jogram , Dr. Manisha Deore, Dr. Pawar Ashok Shankarrao

Abstract :

Mahatma Gandhi was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British–ruled India, he was very important figure in Indian history, He thought that education is closely associated with the socio–economic development of the society. He took up scheme for basic education in which vocational training or work experience is the utmost important. It is due to the fact that it stimulates the human mind for creative thinking or dignity of manual labour. He thought that such creative thinking should be taken up from primary to higher–level education. His view on basic education is greatly influenced by his philosophy of satya (truth), ahimsa (non–violence), and firm belief in God, dignity of labour. His large contribution for Indian education and he was expected in Indian education system always remember 3H factors means Heart, Hand & Head these are very important things in education (It is not meant to make life worth living by imparting training in 3–H: Head – learning to know; hand – learning to earn livelihood, and Heart – learning to be.). He was continuing worked for education after Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj. Actually his thoughts implemented from 1st april 2010 and education is essential to the 6 to 14 years students. There are in the education system two methods are used for student evaluation one is formative evaluation and another is summative evaluation. Economist Amartyasen and Meboob ul–haq said, “In humanities development primary education is very important factors.” In our country total 100 districts are involving in rural and undeveloped. There are some district Maharashtra and Marathwada’s all districts are involving (Eight District) and there are many problems are creating to students, parents and teachers in current education system. So this project presenting of his drawback and research on solving of his all drawback.

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Dr. Rathod Sunita Jogram , Dr. Manisha Deore, Dr. Pawar Ashok Shankarrao Formative Evaluation: Action Plan for Primary Education International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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