Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Forest Management Systems and Community–Based Forestry: A case of Sabharkantha (South) Forest Division of Gujarat state

Mr. Jay Y Trivedi, Dr. Ashwin G Modi

Abstract :

Promoting the active participation of local communities in equitable and ecologically sustainable management of natural forests, thus contributing to increase income and reduce poverty for forest–dependent communities, and developing a knowledge management system on community forestry. The majority of the Joint Forest Management areas showed that women participated actively in meetings, decision making and executing the works compared to before Joint Forest Management committee. Findings indicate the need to promoting tribal people for protection more forest area of each village for their sustainable livelihood.

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Mr. Jay Y Trivedi, Dr. Ashwin G Modi Forest Management Systems and Community-Based Forestry: A case of Sabharkantha (South) Forest Division of Gujarat state International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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