Volume : IV, Issue : X, October - 2015

Food Processing Through Ultrasonic Technology

Dr. Mahendra Kumar

Abstract :

 Ultrasound has been used for processing purposes in industries and now it is emerging as a perspective technology in different segments of food industries. This potential technology is gaining rapid momentum in food processing organization. Earlier, ultrasonic was used for cleaning purpose in food sectors. The range extends from the cleaning nozzles used in eweries to the cleaning of ead pans in bakeries. Besides cleaning, it has also proved its significance and potential for the extraction of juice, concentration of thixotropic composition, homogenization and emulsification, improving rate and drying, this oad spectrum of application can safe guard its use as a valuable technology in the 21st Century.

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Dr. Mahendra Kumar Food Processing Through Ultrasonic Technology International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 10 October 2015

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