Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


D. Lavanya Kumari, Prof. K. Santha Kumari

Abstract :

 The food processing sector is critical to India’s development, for it establishes a vital linkage and synergy between the two pillars of the economy—Industry and Agriculture. India is the world’s second largest producer of food and holds the potential to acquire the numero Uno status with sustained efforts. There has been diversification of Indian diets away from food grains to high value products like milk, meat products, vegetables and fruits. Food–processing industry has been registering good growth since the past few decades and particularly after nineties. The conditions are now ideal for the growth of this industry. The central government has taken some steps to deregulate and encourage the sector after 1991. However, the role of states is vital. The government of Andhra Pradesh released a policy in November 2003. There are no major initiatives in the policy and still can be called a good beginning. As against the robust growth at the All–India level, the growth rate in net value – added in the nineties was almost the same as that in the eighties in the state.

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D.Lavanya Kumari, Prof.K.Santha Kumari FOOD PROCESSING SECTOR IN INDIA: CONSTRAINTS, CHALLENGES AND INCENTIVES International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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