Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Floristic diversity of "Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, North Gujarat"

Vyas D. N. , Patel A. H

Abstract :

Region of North Gujarat is dotted with a large number of wetlands small and big. ‘Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary’

is the only one amongst them which has got the legal protection as a wildlife sanctuary mainly to protect its rich migrant and resident waterfowl. Floristic study of Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary popularly known as ‘Thol Bird Sanctuary (TBS)’, was of concern
for the reason that unlike two other sanctuaries of North Gujarat this one has remained untouched. TBS is unique due to the fact that owing
to its smaller size, it offers much diversity in plant community. An attempt has been made in the present study to carry out research regarding
flora of TBS. Falling in the semi-arid region TBS holds scrub vegetation mixed with aquatic and invasive flora. The importance of flora of TBS
is also indicated by presence of a few threatened and many medicinal plants.

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Vyas D. N., Patel A. H Floristic diversity of "Thol Lake Wildlife Sanctuary, North Gujarat" International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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