Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dalip Kumar, Vineeta Sharma, Umesh Bharti

Abstract :

 The present study was conducted between July 2014 and June 2015 in Chandigarh region to work out the floral inventory of wild bee plants . This study provides evidence that as many as eleven species viz; Argemone mexicana L , Lantana camara L, Trigonella corniculata, L, Alternanthera sessilis (L), Oxalis debilis Kunth, Trifolium repens L, Ageratum houstonianum, Mill ,Calotropis procera ( Aiton), Conoclinium coelestinum L, Chenopodium album L and Solanum nigrum L belonging to wild flora of the mentioned area were identified as source of honey bee forage . The objective of this study was to assess whether other flowering plants act as alternative floral resources that may impact on abundance and diversity of flowers.

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DALIP KUMAR, VINEETA SHARMA, UMESH BHARTI FLORAL INVENTORY OF WILD HONEY BEE FORAGE International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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