Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

Floating Point Operations in PipeRench CGRA

M. Somasekhar

Abstract :

This paper introduces PipeRench, Coarse–grained reconfigurable architectures (CGRAs) have drawn increasing attention due to their performance and flexibility. CGRA provide flexible and efficient solution for data–intensive applications. There have been many coarse–grained reconfigurable architectures proposed and/or commercialized. But most of the existing architectures cannot be used for applications that require floating–point operations, since they have only integer units. This paper introduces approache onto CGRAs supporting both integer and floating point arithmetic. Two–dimensional array of integer processing elements in the PipeRench is configured in run–time to perform integer functions as well as floating–point functions. In this paper, we presented PipeRench optimized for ?oating–point as well as integer computations. we show that the proposed PipeRench enjoys improved speed for ?oating–point intensive applications by implementing mesh–plus interconnectivity.

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M. Somasekhar Floating Point Operations in PipeRench CGRA International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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