Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Fixation of 18 Years of Age by Radiological Study of Shoulder Joint

Dr. Dashrath Haribhau Pimple, Dr. Vijay Kumar R. Waghmare, Dr. Rupali B. Gaikwad

Abstract :

Age estimation of living is most important issue to the court and to common citizen as well. Scientific estimation of age of an individual where living, dead or human remains is a problem for medical jurist in both civil and criminal matters. Age estimation cases are being referred to anatomist and forensic experts. Community relies on medico–legal expert for justice. If proper age is not given, it is injustice to the patient and profession. Estimation of reasonably accurate age plays a pivotal role in civil/criminal cases like personal identification, fixing of criminal responsibility, judicial punishment. The present study has been undertaken to explore the pattern of diaphysis–epiphyseal union in the bones of shoulder joint in growing population of Mumbai region.

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Dr. Dashrath haribhau pimple, Dr. Vijay Kumar R. waghmare, Dr. Rupali B. Gaikwad Fixation of 18 Years of Age by Radiological Study of Shoulder Joint International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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