Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Financial System in India

Mr. Laxman T. Rathod

Abstract :

Financial systems one of the industries in an economy. It performs certain essential functions for the economy including maintenance of payment system, collection & allocation of the savings of society and creation of a variety of stores of wealth to suit the preferences of savers. Finance is the flowing blood in the body of financial system. It is a link between the saving & investments by providing the mechanism through which savings of savers are pooled and are put into the hands of those able & willing to invest by financial intermidateres. The role of financial system is thus, to promote savings and their channalisation in the economy through financial assets that are more productive than the physical assets. This means that the operations of financial system are vital to pace & structure of the growth of the economy. This system plays a significant role in access the rate of economic development, which is to improving general standard of living & higher social welfare

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Mr.LAXMAN T. RATHOD Financial System in India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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