Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Financial Status of ICDS Initiative by Government of India

P. Mary Elizabeth

Abstract :

ICDS is a Centrally-sponsored Scheme implemented through the State Governments/UT Administrations. Prior to 2005-06, 100% financial assistance for inputs other than supplementary nutrition, which the States were to provide out of their own resources, was being provided by the Government of India. Since many States were not providing adequately for supplementary nutrition in view of resource constraints, it was decided in 2005-06 to support to States up to 50% of the financial norms or to support 50% of expenditure incurred by them on supplementary nutrition, whichever is less. From the financial year 2009-10, Government of India has modified the funding pattern of ICDS between Centre and States. The shå pattern of supplementary nutrition in respect of North-eastern States between Centre and States has been changed from 50:50 to 90:10 ratio. So far as other States and UTs, the existing shå pattern of 50:50 continues. However, for all other components of ICDS, the ratio has been modified to 90:10(100% Central Assistance earlier). In this backdrop this present paper is to analyze the ICDS accountability initiative by Government of India 2012-13.

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P.Mary Elizabeth Financial Status of ICDS Initiative by Government of India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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