Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2020


Dr. Bharath Kakileti, Dr. S. Venkateswar Rao, Dr. B. Venkateswarlu, Dr. Y. Eswar Sai Prasad, Dr. R. Srihari

Abstract :

In this study, out of 200 cases, 100 were clinically suspected IUGR (intra uterine growth retardation) cases & another 100 were normal control cases. Among the 100 suspected cases 68% were SGA (Small for gestational age) babies (n=68) and 32% were AGA (appropriate for gestational age) babies (132). Of 68 SGA babies 64.7%(n=44) had abnormal Doppler. In this study 54 % of SGA foetuses (n=37) and 3%of AGA foetuses had hypertension as a risk factor. Out of 60 foetuses with HC/AC(head circumference/abdominal circumference) ratio >1, 80% were SGA foetuses (n=48) and 20% were AGA fetuses(n=12). Out of 48 foetuses with FL/AC (femur length/abdominal circumference) ratio>23.5, 84.4% were SGA foetuses (n=38) and 15.6% were AGA foetuses (n=10) Out of 55 foetuses with oligohydrominos, 63.6% were SGA foetuses (n=35) and 36.4% were AGA Fetuses (n=20). PI.RI and SD ratio of uterine & umbilical arteries was significantly raised in SGA babies as compared to AGA babies while PI, RI and SD ratio of MCA were significantly lower in SGA babies as compared to AGA babies. Uterine artery early Diastolic Notch was seen in 10 cases & all of them delivered SGA babies. Hypertension was present in 8 of these 10 cases. Absent Diastolic Flow was detected in two case and the foetus died in utero. High CS rate, lower gestational age at delivery, low birth weight, low Apgar score, were more frequently observed with SGA babies as compared to AGA babies. CS in mothers with SGA babies were mostly done for acute Foetal Distress (AFD). The findings in this study support the conclusion of majority of workers.

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FETAL DOPPLER IN IUGR SUSPECTED CASES, Dr.Bharath Kakileti, Dr.S.Venkateswar Rao, Dr.B.Venkateswarlu, Dr. Y. Eswar Sai Prasad, Dr. R. Srihari INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-2 | February-2020

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