Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Feeding Practices of Cattle Adopted by the Farmers in Four Mandals of Chittoor District of Andhrapradesh.

Dr. D. Suresh Babu, Dr. K. Sarjan Rao

Abstract :

A survey was conducted in four mandals of Chittoor district to findout the feeding practices adopted by the farmers. Information was extracted from100 far-mers by a pretested questionnaire. 36-48 % of the respondent farmers were feeding Paddy straw and 12-32 % were feeding Sugarcane tops and leaves, Paddy straw and Groundnut haulms. 40-52 % were feeding premixed cattle feed and 48-60 % feed ingredients. Further, 53-60 % were feeding 3 kg or less and 40-47 % more than 3 kg per day per animal. 48-60 % of the farmers were feeding grains in combi-nation with other ingredients mostly Rice an and Groundnut cake. 62-75 % of the respondent farmers were feeding 3 kg and 25-38 % more than 3 kg. All the farmers (100%) were feeding Green fodder to their animals. 80-92 % of the respondents were feeding upto 20 kg per day per animal.

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Dr. D. Suresh Babu, Dr. K. Sarjan Rao Feeding Practices of Cattle Adopted by the Farmers in Four Mandals of Chittoor District of Andhrapradesh. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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