Volume : II, Issue : X, October - 2013

Fatal Enterococcal Meningitis : A Case Report

Dr. Karan Ostwal, Dr. Swati. Jakwad, Dr. Mukta. K, Dr. Jyoti Iravane, Dr. Ajit Damle

Abstract :

A 60 Year old female was admitted with – c/o fever & headache since 15 days c/o vomiting and loose motions since 2 days On general examination – patient was drowsy; Microscopy showed– 4–5 polymorphs per High power field, urine output was low( < 400ml/day); Renal functions were deranged with elevated blood urea ,serum creatinine . MacConkey’s agar:– tiny magenta colonies ; 6.5% NaCl tolerant test came out to be positive.It was found to be glucose, mannitol & arabinose fermenter proving it to be Enterococcus faecium. The isolated E.faecium was found sensitive to vancomycin. MIC was done for Vancomycin was found to be 1μg/ml.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Karan Ostwal, Dr. Swati. Jakwad, Dr. Mukta. Khaparkuntikar, Dr. Jyoti Iravane, Dr. Ajit Damle / Fatal Enterococcal Meningitis : A Case Report / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.10 October 2013

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