Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Farmers Perception About Published Farm Advertisements Through Print and Electronic Media

N. Kishore Kumar, V. Sudha Rani, M. Jagan Mohan Reddy

Abstract :

The study was conducted in Andhra Pradesh state. Out of three regions of state from each region one district selected for study, namely Karimnagar, Guntoor and Kurnool for study. An exploratory research design was adopted for study to know the perception of farmers about published farm advertisements through print and electronic media. The findings of the study revealed that majority of farmers had medium to high perception about farm advertisements published print and electronic media. Effective communication is a necessary component of programmes of improving agricultural productivity being implemented by public, private sectors and NGOs in the country. It is only communication to and fro that engulfs the gap existing between the generators of technology on one hand and consumers of technology on the other hand. In this regard Radio and television are considered to be effective mass media in transmitting the latest research information to the Indian farmers on a massive scale. While the print media is a powerful media as written word is authentic, convinces and motivates the people leading them to action.  Television and news papers play a vital role in education and transfer of technology. It is also extremely important in stimulating a sense of involvement, which is essential for development. We are now passing only 20–30 per cent of agricultural research results to farmers through these mass media against 80–85 per cent in advanced countries. Thus, a wide information gap exists between the lab and land. In the process of transfer of technology none can over look the importance of television and newspaper which plays a key role in the process of directed change

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N. Kishore Kumar, V.Sudha Rani, M.Jagan Mohan Reddy Farmers Perception About Published Farm Advertisements Through Print and Electronic Media International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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