Volume : II, Issue : IX, September - 2013

Farmer Distress Under Market Reforms

Rajiv Dey

Abstract :

This paper intends to deal with the issue of farmer distress under market reforms. The study is based on secondary data sources. The secondary data gathered from Situation Assessment Survey of the farming community which is employed by the ministry of agriculture and performed by National Sample Survey Organisation. A large number of studies have enquired about the reason behind the farm distress in various states. They have pointed out the neo–liberal policy regime for this impasse. The secondary data analysis reflected a grim picture of rural West Bengal and India. There is income–expenditure deficit according to all categories of land size in West Bengal and India. It appears that farmers are in deep distress in West Bengal and India.  

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Rajiv Dey Farmer Distress Under Market Reforms International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 9 September 2013

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