Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013


Dr. K. C. Barmola

Abstract :

There could be various aspects of students’ life which matter for them in academic performance. Family environment and mental health are analyzed with reference to academic performance in the present study to know the relationship between family environment and mental health, family environment and academic performance, and mental health and academic performance. A sample of 300 high school students has been taken for the study. Family Environment and Mental Health Scale have been administered to collect the data. For analyzing the data Chi-square test has been used in the study. Findings shows that there is found significant relationship between family environment and mental health, and mental health and academic performance. In another finding no significant relationship is found between family environment and academic performance. So it can be said that family environment can have significant relationship with mental health but not with academic performance. On the other hand both mental health and academic performance can have significant relationship.

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Dr. K. C. Barmola FAMILY ENVIRONMENT, MENTAL HEALTH AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF ADOLESCENTS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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