Volume : I, Issue : II, July - 2012

Factors Influencing Employee Branding in Higher Educational Institutions: A Special Reference to Management Institutions in Virudhunagar District in Tamilnadu

Jegadeeswari. Mani, Dr. S. Franklin John S.

Abstract :

An Educational Institution should not only have to ensure that it has a strong and, it also needs to ensure that its employees reflect that and in their interactions with students. The focus has shifted having employees to having Brand Ambassadors. Also, referred to as Internal Branding or Internal marketing by many, Employee anding has become the buzzword of today’s business. This concept is becoming very important in the service sector where the employee becomes the touch point for the intangible and for the customer. Successful positioning of employees in the Institutional Brand depends on various internal factors, which will internalize the and values, resulting in desired Brand behaviour. This paper throws light on the factors influencing Employee anding in Higher Educational Institutions with special reference to Management programmes, in Virudhunagar District.

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Jegadeeswari. Mani, Dr. S. Franklin John S. Factors Influencing Employee Branding in Higher Educational Institutions: A Special Reference to Management Institutions in Virudhunagar District in Tamilnadu International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.II July 2012

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