Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Factors Affecting the Purchasing of Shampoo Brands and Their Influence on Satisfaction of Women Customers

Mr. K. V. Sri Ram, Dr. R. Ganapathi

Abstract :

Cosmetics have been traditionally used by women to groom their physical appearance and, presumably, their physical attractiveness. From a self-presentational perspective, argued that cosmetics are used specifically for grooming behaviors and in general function to manage and control not only social impressions but also self-image. Self Image in turn provides self confidence .The majority of the women customers prefer a particular and of shampoo and the factor analysis indicates that the healthiness, value, safety, easiness and familiarity are the factors affecting the purchasing of shampoo ands by the women customers. The regression analysis shows that healthiness, value, safety, easiness and familiarity are positively and significantly influencing the level of satisfaction of shampoo ands.

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Mr. K. V. SRI RAM, Dr. R. GANAPATHI Factors Affecting the Purchasing of Shampoo Brands and Their Influence on Satisfaction of Women Customers International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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