Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

Factors Affecting Sand Harvesting In Machakos County, Kenya

Mr. Erastus Kibiru Gitonga, Dr. Jones Agwata, Dr. Peter Baaro Gathura

Abstract :

 Sand harvesting has been going on for many decades despite the massive environmental degradation it causes. Unsustainable scooping methods of this resource have caused soil erosion characterized by deep gullies. The activities also lead to loss of water for livestock and domestic use and rise in crime in most cases. This study sought to analyze the factors leading to increased sand harvesting in the County with a view to regulating the harvesting activities and ensure sustainability. The objectives of the study included assessing the impacts of increased sand harvesting in Machakos County, assess the existing policy, legal and institutional frameworks on sand harvesting in Machakos County and assess strategies used to sustainably manage sand harvesting activities in the County. This study was done in locations of Machakos County where sand harvesting is prevalent. Qualitative research design of a descriptive nature was used to get a relatively profound appreciation of sand harvesting through firsthand experience and proper reporting. The sampling frame comprised 81 respondents drawn equitably from three spatial clusters where sand harvesting was prevalent. The clusters included the geographical constituencies of Mwala, Kathiani and Machakos town.  From the three clusters, at least 20 respondents were equitably selected on a simple random basis and were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Key opinion leaders selected from the local community were engaged through a focused group discussion to complement the opinions of the respondents. Key findings showed that sand harvesting was occasioned by legion factors such as demand from the construction industry and the high number of farmers, weak enforcement of laws and regulations, weak institutions and corruption among the institutions and people entrusted with providing leadership. This study recommended the restriction of hours of the day when sand harvesting could be allowed (daytime only), enactment of specific regulations on sand harvesting, promote commercial packaging of legally harvested sand, sensitization of the public on the existing laws and regulations, re use and recycling of sand, intensify environmental inspections for purposes of ensuring compliance and construction of sand gabions and dams along the threatened river beds.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Mr. Erastus Kibiru Gitonga, Dr. Jones Agwata, Dr. Peter Baaro Gathura, Factors Affecting Sand Harvesting In Machakos County, Kenya, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-11 | November-2017

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