Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment inflows into Kyrgyzstan

Dr. Gilbert J. Werema

Abstract :

To conclude, Kyrgyzstan possesses a great opportunity for multination companies to invest in the country. The country’s geographical location makes Kyrgyzstan a strategic point for multinational companies trying to penetrate or expand businesses in Central Asia and China. Nevertheless, Kyrgyzstan needs to eliminate government corruption as its utmost priority in order to develop the country’s economy and provide a decent living condition for its citizens. Also, Kyrgyzstan will need to revamp its educational system as it reduces the illegal production and trafficking of heroin.

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DR. GILBERT J. WEREMA Factors Affecting Foreign Direct Investment Inflows Into Kyrgyzstan International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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