Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015


Swati Garg, Yukti Adya, Vasu Gambhir, Manisha Yadav, Manoj Pandey

Abstract :

 Face recognition has been a fast growing, challenging and interesting area in real timeapplications. A large number of face recognitionalgorithms have been developed in last decades. In thispaper an attempt is made to review a wide range ofmethods used for face recognition comprehensively.This includes PCA,ICA,LDA, ANN.In the age of rising crime face recognition is enormously important in the contexts of computer vision,psychology, surveillance, fraud detection, pattern recognition, neural network, content based videoprocessing, etc. Face is a non intrusive strong biometrics for identification and hence criminals always tryto hide their facial organs by different artificial means such as plastic surgery, disguise and dummy. Theavailability of a comprehensive face database is crucial to test the performance of these face recognition algorithms.

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Swati Garg, Yukti Adya, Vasu Gambhir, Manisha Yadav, Manoj Pandey Face Recognition Techniques-A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 7 July 2015

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