Volume : II, Issue : XI, November - 2013

Extent of Adoption of Cotton Production Technologies by Farmers in Andhra Pradesh

B. Neethi, A. Sailaja

Abstract :

Ex–post facto research design was followed for carrying out the study in the state of Andhra Pradesh. Sample comprised of 120 farmers selected randomly from four randomly selected mandals of Mahaboobnagar district which was a purposive selection. Majority of the respondents had medium adoption in cotton followed by low and high. Hence, DAATT centre needs to emphasize on low cost technologies like plant protection aspects, maintenance of refugee crops, availability of biological inputs through cooperatives for the community usage.

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B. Neethi, A. Sailaja / Extent of Adoption of Cotton Production Technologies by Farmers in Andhra Pradesh / International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.2, Issue.11 November 2013

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