Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Export Performance of Indian Ornamental Fish–Trend : An Analysis

Madhumita Mukherjee, Ashis Bhuina

Abstract :

At present, ornamental fish farming is the fastest growing aquaculture sector in the world with a global trade of

US $ 9.0 billion per annum and a growth rate of over 8 per cent. In ornamental fish trade, freshwater ornamental fish
contribute 85 per cent of the total and the rest are from marine species. More than 5,000 species of freshwater ornamental fish are traded
each year, out of which 700 to 800 are most common. Approximately, 1.0 billion ornamental fish are exported annually involving more than
100 countries. The entire value of the industry inclusive of retail sales, associated materials, wages and non-exported products, was estimated
to be US $ 15 billion. Though Asian countries contribute 90 per cent of the ornamental fish trade around the globe, India's share to the global
trade is less than 0.01 per cent, till recently. But the ornamental fish export in India is growing at the rate of 10 per cent per annum during the
last few years. At the same time, the domestic ornamental fish market in the country is also growing at 20 per cent rate per year. India is very
rich in terms of ornamental fish genetic resources with more than 200 varieties of indigenous ornamental fish available in the North Eastern
States and Western Ghats of the country. In addition, more than 100 species of exotic ornamental fish varieties have already been domesticated to the Indian condition and are traded to the different parts of the world.
The demand for exotic fishes is high in the international ornamental fish markets such as USA, Europe, and UK. It is noted that in the domestic
market for ornamental fishes, the supply from the eeding sector does not meet the domestic demand, which points at the fact that there
remains no surplus stock for export. The domestic market for ornamental fishes in India is basically a seller’s market and anything ed is
devoured by the market without even considering the quality of it. For an industry to improve the production level has to increase and the
quality of the product also has to be enhanced.

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Madhumita Mukherjee, Ashis Bhuina Export Performance of Indian Ornamental Fish–Trend : An Analysis International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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