Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015


Raut, K. S, Solunke, R. V

Abstract :

The present study deals with assessment of important Physico–chemical parameters and Zooplankton diversity correlated with the pollution status of Wan Prakalpa at Nagapur near Parli .v. town Dist. Beed resided between 180 – 53’–0” North latitude and 760 –27’–0” East longitude in Marathwada region [M.S] India [Asian continent]. The work was undertaken to investigate the important water body for this the vital parameters were studied and analysed every month during June 2011– May 2012. For this three different sampling stations were selected on Wan prakalpa as NG1,NG2,NG3 . The results construed that the different months showed fluctuations in physicochemical parameters imitate accordingly to the seasons, climate and the pollution load over the investigated water body. The present work was correlated with the zooplankton diversity and pollution indicator species which were used as bio–indicators to assess the water quality of the dam. The pollution indicator zoplankton species from three (3) stations of the dam were recorded, this was done with the pollution indicator index species listed by IAAB , Bilgami K. S. and Sládecek pollution indicator species of Zooplankton. A total of 20 genera were recorded out of 07 were Rotifers and 5 were pollution indicaor, from 05 Cladocera 4 were pollution indicator, out of 6 Copepods 4 were pollution indicator, and 2 Ostracodas 2 being the pollution indicator. For knowing the quality of water samples the total score of stations were recorded 15 pollution indicator species were found which helped to know the high degree of organic pollution of dam. The species given by IAAB , Bilgami K. S. and Sládecek pollution indicator index. observed at different stations of the dam, It clearly highlights the polluted condition of Nagapur Dam.

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Raut, K.S, Solunke, R.V Exploitation of Zooplanktons as Pollution Indicators of Water Quality at Nagapur Dam Near Parli. V. Town Dist. Beed Maharashtra, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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