Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Exploitation of piscicidal potential of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) seed extracts for the eradication of predatory wild fish Mystus vittatus (Bloch.)

Umer Qadir, Umar Muzaffar

Abstract :

The present study aims to evaluate acute toxicity and piscicidal potential of methanol, chloroform and acetone extracts of Anamirta cocculus seeds by using the freshwater catfish Mystus vittatus as a model. Mortality caused by the three extracts against M. vittatus has been reported and that all the extracts of A. cocculus were active in killing the fishes. Eight different concentrations each of methanol, chloroform and acetone extracts were applied on different groups of M. vittatus and were observed that toxic effect of all the extracts was time as well as dose dependent. The 24h LC50, LC90 and LC99 values of each extract was calculated by Finney’s method. From the three extracts of A. cocculus methanol extract was the most potent one with lowest 24h LC50 value of 9.951mg/L and the respective lowest 24h LC90 and 24h LC99 values of 11.749 and 13.452mg/L. The present investigation revealed that A. cocculus seed extracts can be used as the potential aquaculture management tool to eradicate unwanted fish fauna from culture ponds. Culture fingerlings can be released into the fish reå ponds few days after applying A. cocculus seed extracts as a biopiscicide/biopesticide.

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Umer Qadir, Umar Muzaffar Exploitation of piscicidal potential of Anamirta cocculus (Linn.) seed extracts for the eradication of predatory wild fish Mystus vittatus (Bloch.) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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